The space was designed to be an occasional holiday home. The busy entrepreneurs now spend most of their weekends here along with their children and sometimes with friends. The client wanted a space to offer a solace their hectic lives lacked in the city. It fit into her own philosophy, “A house is a space, a home is a feeling; a collection of the owner’s memories. Homes need to be tailor-made for their occupants and not driven by trends.”

“We believe the entrance to any home is a portal to a new world and viewing the farmhouse, flanked by foliage, from the driveway, is like a ‘sneak peek’ into what is to come.”

Primarily agricultural, Site is at a slightly higher altitude and is built on different contours which experience heavy rainfall and extreme temperatures. The plot itself overlooks a perennial river with luscious green mountains. For this the primary objective was to bring nature ‘in’ as efficiently as possible. “For that sense of openness, we wanted the built form to be as minimal as possible.” The team built a beautiful modern tropical structure, “ exposed brick and roof shingles, large glass and wooden doors and a sense of modern tropical design forms the architectural and design language of the space.”